Men's Ministry
The mission of Christ Community Church Men's Ministry is to pursue fellowship, service, and spiritual development. Our midweek discipleship studies, men's breakfasts, and men's community groups provide a context for discipleship and fellowship, while church ministry volunteering and community projects provide a context for service and missions. For more information regarding our men's ministry call the church office or fill out the contact info below.
Meeting Times
The men's midweek discipleship meets together on Tuesday evenings, 6:30-8pm, or Wednesday mornings, 9:30-11am. There are three semesters: Winter: January - March; Spring: April - June; and Fall: September - November.
We choose a different study for each semester. Sign up online or at the Welcome Center, or just come! Our format is small groups within the study to give you a way to belong.
If you have children, Oasis kids meet Tuesday evenings, and childcare is available Wednesday mornings for those who need it.
We choose a different study for each semester. Sign up online or at the Welcome Center, or just come! Our format is small groups within the study to give you a way to belong.
If you have children, Oasis kids meet Tuesday evenings, and childcare is available Wednesday mornings for those who need it.